Customer service myplans

No itsme® yet?


If you have a Belgian e-ID and a smartphone with a Belgian SIM card, then itsme® is the best app for identifying you securely.
If you do not yet use itsme®, it's simple to install this digital ID via  or via the page about itsme® on
You can use the itsme® app wherever you are to log in to MyPlansByBelfius simply and securely, as well as to many other applications, such as Tax-on-Web, MyPension and your health insurance fund. 
Your digital identity can only be used on your smartphone, with your telephone number and your installed itsme® app. This unique combination will allow access to no one but you.
Confirm your identity on your smartphone by entering your unique 5-digit itsme® code.
Where can you use it?
You can use itsme® for much more than just MyPlansByBelfius.  For the full list of itsme® partners, go to