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Ratings as per 31 December 2024.

For more information on the ratings and methodology click on the name of the rating agency to visit their website. ‏‎ ‎


  • A credit rating is a judgement from an established rating agency regarding the creditworthiness of an issuer with respect to the repayment of principal and interest of a specific type of obligation.
  • An issuer can have more than one rating from the same rating agency for different types of obligations in function of the seniority of the obligation and the guarantees that are provided to support the obligation.
  • Ratings are assigned by credit rating agencies the most renowned of which are Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch.
  • Belfius Bank is rated by all three of them. Each rating agency provides ratings based on a predefined scale (typically starting with A, B, C …) and they periodically review the ratings based on the last available information.
  • Their findings are summarized in a report.

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