At Belfius, we have incorporated sustainability into our strategy, based on two guiding principles: “Walk the talk” and “Customers in the driver’s seat”. By applying our Walk the talk principle, our aim is to set an example and decarbonise our own business as much as possible. With our second principle, Customers in the driver’s seat, we seek to inspire our customers to set ambitious targets on sustainability. We also want to support them in achieving these ambitions by offering a range of relevant solutions, products and services.
Our CO2 emissions
Our total carbon footprint
2021 (year of Covid)
Total of our own emissions (tCO2e)
158 357
178 843
180 066
Target for reducing emissions:
Target: 25% reduction in our own emissions by 2025, compared with the benchmark level of 2019.
In 2023: 31% reduction compared with 2019.
However, the scope of the initial target (i.e. the target with the 2019 baseline) was very limited. In the meantime, we have been able to significantly expand the scope of carbon footprint calculations. As a result, the scope of the target stated above is much narrower than the current scope of our carbon footprint.
In 2023: 95% of our electricity consumption was considered green electricity.
We have almost reached our target, but we need to analyse how we can reach 100% on a case-by-case basis. Only a few buildings are not covered by green electricity contracts.
Gas consumption
We mainly use natural gas to heat our buildings (in some minor cases, we still use fuel oil, but this is not a significant amount). In 2023, emissions associated with natural gas were 26% lower than in 2021 and 56% lower than in 2019. There are two main reasons for this sharp reduction:
We have fewer buildings (more and more buildings are being closed each year).
We have greater energy efficiency for each building.
We view the franchises (independent branches) separately from other buildings because, technically, these are “indirect” emissions.
This year, the emissions associated with our franchises (i.e. their consumption of natural gas and electricity) fell by 36% compared with last year. This is because all of our franchises have switched to contracts for renewable electricity since April 2023.
Customer vehicles
In 2023, there was an increase in emissions related to Belfius Auto Lease. This was due to a disruption in the automotive supply chain, which caused significant delays in deliveries and, as a result, a large increase of 30 kt CO2e (for 2023), which cancelled out any emission reductions achieved in other categories.
The production of waste decreased slightly in 2023 compared with 2022. The level of waste is now 47% below the 2019 benchmark, making it close to our aim of achieving an overall reduction of 50% between 2019 and 2025.
Paper (confidential and non-confidential), cardboard, cardboard drinking goblets and paper towels/wipes are recycled.
Company restaurant
A number of initiatives have been put in place to reduce food and non-food waste, including composting food waste or converting it into biogas, using sustainable products, giving priority to shorter production chains and eliminating single-use plastics.
Commuting and business travel
Belfius does everything it can to reduce CO2 emissions linked to the commuting travel of its staff.
Emissions linked to employee travel decreased by 2% in 2023 despite a significant increase in the number of new employees.
Emissions linked to business travel fell by 13%. This was mainly due to a sharp reduction in air travel.
The introduction of a new structural teleworking status in 2022 has steadily reduced commuting and the associated CO2 emissions. Belfius also makes every effort to promote modes of transport that emit as little CO2 as possible.
Since May 2023, only fully electric cars can be ordered by Belfius employees. This means that the entire Belfius car fleet will be decarbonised by the end of 2028.
Charging stations have been installed at the Belfius head office in Brussels and at local branches.
Our financed emissions
We have calculated financed emissions for two years: 2022 and 2023. The full results are shown in this table, where total emissions are the sum of Scope 1 and 2 financed emissions and Scope 3 financed emissions. Note that we only calculate Scope 3 financed emissions for business and corporate loans, equities and bonds.
(1) Improvements were made to the stocks and bonds, as well as the mortgage loans of 2022, to allow for a better comparison with 2023. (2) Both construction and renovation loans are not considered under the asset classes of mortgage loans and commercial real estate loans due to the lack of a methodology in the PCAF 2022 standard. We plan to determine the incorporated emissions (i.e., the financed scope 3 emissions for mortgage loans associated with the construction process and material use throughout the building's lifecycle) in the near future to expand our understanding of the actual environmental impact of our portfolio. (3) Not part of the PCAF methodology, a detailed description of the calculation methodology can be found in the Appendix of the 2023 sustainability report. (4) This asset class includes loans for vehicles for both retail and commercial customers. (5) The methodology for project financing covers only power generation projects, all of which are renewable projects at Belfius. (6) De totale hoeveelheid emissies waarvoor een methodologie bestaat. (7) In 2023, we also determined for the first time our sovereign emissions, i.e., emissions associated with our sovereign financing activities. However, to avoid double counting of emissions, these are not included in the total sum of emissions. (8) The highest score, score 1, represents the highest data quality corresponding to the actual emissions of the company or asset, while the lowest score, score 5, represents the broadest estimates based on the sectoral average of the financed activity.
The main sectors in terms of emissions are the following:
manufacturing industry
electricity and gas
real estate.
The retail sector is also fairly important, but is included in the category for “others”.
However, financial exposure to real estate is very high (mortgages, CRE and property companies). Consequently, in terms of emissions intensity (tCO2e/euro), the real estate assets sector is much less intensive than other sectors. Belfius has a very high exposure to the real estate sector.
Sustainable Technology
Belfius is a founder member of the Institute for Sustainable IT and we have signed the Sustainable IT Charter (The Sustainable IT Charter - (, which commits us to adopting a sustainable approach to technology for our organisation.
Our ESG action plan places the emphasis on:
Partnerships with suppliers committed to sustainable development, promoting ethical business practices and reducing their environmental footprint throughout their value chain.
Developing eco-coding to minimise the use of IT resources and energy consumption.
Developing affordable products and services for our customers.
Optimising the use of our infrastructure and managing the environmental impact of our equipment throughout its lifecycle.
Adjusting our processes, where necessary.
Managing the carbon footprint of our technology department and other key sustainability indicators.
Raising awareness among employees and partners of the importance of sustainable IT practices and encouraging responsible use.