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Penates 1


ATTENTION: Notes of Penates Funding N.V. - S.A., institutionele vennootschap voor belegging in schuldvorderingen naar Belgisch recht / société d’investisment en créances institutionnelle de droit belge, acting through its Compartment Penates-1 (Penates Funding), can only be acquired, held by and transferred to institutional investors or professional investors as described in article 5§3 of the Law of 20 July 2004 on certain types of collective management of investment portfolios, as amended or replaced (an Institutional Investor) acting for their own account. Penates Funding will suspend the payment of dividends or interests in relation to its securities of which it becomes aware that these are held by a person who is not an Institutional Investor acting for its own account.

PENATES FUNDING N.V./S.A., acting through its compartment Penates-1 (the “Issuer”) purchases on closing date a portfolio of Belgian prime residential mortgage loans from Dexia Bank Belgium NV/SA. Penates-1 has financed the purchase through the issuance of Class A, B, C, D and E notes. Further information can be found in the Prospectus.


