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Mercurius 1 - Replenishment


ATTENTION: Notes of Mercurius Funding N.V. - S.A., institutionele vennootschap voor belegging in schuldvorderingen naar Belgisch recht / société d’investisment en créances institutionnelle de droit belge, acting through its Compartment Mercurius-1 (Mercurius Funding), can only be acquired, held by and transferred to eligible investors as described in article 5§3/1 of the Law of 3 August 2012 on certain types of collective management of investment portfolios, as amended or replaced (an Eligible Investor) acting for their own account. Mercurius Funding will suspend the payment of dividends or interests in relation to its securities of which it becomes aware that these are held by a person who is not an Eligible Investor acting for its own account.

MERCURIUS FUNDING N.V./S.A., acting through its compartment Mercurius-1 (the “Issuer”) purchases on the closing date an additional portfolio of Belgian SME loans from Belfius Bank NV/SA. An initial portfolio of Belgian SME loans from Belfius Bank NV/SA was purchased by the Issuer on 7 May 2012. Mercurius-1 finances the purchase on the closing date through the issuance of Class A and Class B notes. The old notes of the Issuer, which were issued on 12 May 2012, will simultaneously be redeemed. The Further information can be found in the Prospectus.

The Issuer has restructured the transaction on the 25th June 2018 (the “Restructure Date”). The Interest Rates, the Reserve Fund, the Principal Priority of Payments amongst others have been modified. Further information can be found on the Notice on the 14th of June 2018 below. The table hereunder represents the situation on the Restructure Date.

  Class A Class B
Initial principal amount EUR 924.000.000 EUR
Issue Price 100 % 100 %
Credit Enhancement Subordination of Class B Notes None
Interest Rates 0.90 per cent p.a. 1.40 per cent p.a.
Interest Accrual Act/Act (ICMA) Act/Act (ICMA)
Monthly Payment Dates Interest and principal will be payable in arrears on the twenty-fourth (24th) day of each calendar month (or the first following Business Day if such day is not a Business Day), commencing on the Payment Date falling on 24/06/2014.
Pre-enforcement Principal Payments The Notes will be redeemed in a proportional order between the Class A Notes and Class B Notes unless a Sequential Event has occured, or when the Outstanding Amount of the Class B Notes reaches 200 million EUR, in which case the Notes will be redeemed in sequential order starting from the most senior then outstanding Class of Notes. As long as the transaction is in the proportional redemption, 40% of the Principal Available Funds will be directed to partially redeem the Class A Notes, and 60% of the Principal Available Funds will be directed to redeem partially the Class B Notes.
Prepayments Notes may be subject to voluntary and mandatory prepayment on any Payment Date, with prepayments applied to the Notes in proportional order as described above.
Optional Redemption Date The Payment Date falling on 24 May 2017 (First Optional Redemption Date) and any Payment Date thereafter.
Denomination 250.000 EUR 250.000 EUR
Form The Notes will be issued in the form of dematerialised notes under the Company Code and will be represented exclusively by book entries in the records of the Clearing System operated by the National Bank of Belgium. The Notes will be issued in the form of registered notes under the Company Code and will be represented exclusively by entries in the notes register held by the Issuer.
Listing Euronext Brussels Not Listed
Ratings on the Restructure Date Moody's: Aaa(sf) 
DBRS: AA(sf)
Not Rated
ISIN BE0002469444 BE6265766517
Common Code 105938772 N.A.





