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EU-wide EBA 2018 Stress Test: Belfius’ strong solvency position confirmed

This 2018 stress test once again confirms Belfius’ strong solidity and resilience.

Starting from a strong CET 1 capital ratio of 16.2% as of 01.01.2018, Belfius displays a solid CET 1 capital ratio of 13.2% at the end of the stress test period. This impact of -2.96% on Belfius’ CET 1 ratio is also materially lower than the impact under former stress tests. Finally, Belfius’ outcome compares favourably to the European average of the 48 participating banks.

These results demonstrate the strong solvency position of Belfius, its solidified resilience towards adversities and the pertinence of having a sound financial & risk management as a cornerstone of its consistent long-term strategy. 

Read the press release

Read the presentation to investors




