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Belfius: Meaningful and inspiring for the Belgian society

Results 1H 2020

Over the past six months, Belfius has more than ever demonstrated its corporate purpose, as a truly meaningful and inspiring bank-insurer for the Belgian society. “Meaningful” because Belfius has taken a leading role in enabling the deferment of payments and in granting loans to personal customers, Belgian entrepreneurs and businesses, public and social institutions without hesitating to draw on the capital buffers it has built over the past years. “Inspiring” because, today more than ever, Belfius is dedicated to supporting its customers individually. And also because it is speeding up the rollout of its strategy by entering into partnerships that will enable Belfius to further strengthen its digital services, which in turn will also enable it to make a positive contribution to the country’s recovery.

Despite the establishment of significant provisions – based on an anticipatory approach - to cover potential future credit losses caused by the economic recession, Belfius has ended this first half of a particularly atypical year with a strong preprovisional income of 421 million euro and a net income of 21 million. Despite the important financial efforts committed to supporting the Belgian economy during the Covid-19 crisis, Belfius remains one of the best-capitalised banks in Europe and is proactively pursuing – even speeding up – the implementation of its strategy for the future.