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Belfius Bank awarded the title of best Belgian bank for Cash Management and Trade Finance by the international magazine Global Finance

Earlier this year, Belfius Bank received ‘Best Bond Finance House of the Year 2021’ award from Euronext Brussels

As a Belgian bank, we are convinced that we can help build the success stories of Belgian businesses and public sector players. And that approach is paying off: Belfius has been awarded three prizes for its expertise in cash management, trade finance and equity capital markets.

Best bank for Cash Management and Trade Finance activities on the Belgian market

For the second consecutive year, the international magazine Global Finance has awarded Belfius the title of best bank for Cash Management and Trade Finance activities on the Belgian market. This double recognition once again confirms the expertise of Belfius and its real added value for entrepreneurs and companies in our country, both for the daily management of their financial flows and for the processing of their international trade operations and the development of their activities in Belgium and abroad.

Each year, the international magazine Global Finance selects the best financial institutions in 152 countries in various fields, including Cash Management & Treasury services and Trade Finance activities. Through these awards, Global Finance aims to highlight the vision, ambition and expertise of banks which stand out by making a clear difference for financial managers and treasurers within companies and organisations.

Belfius won the ‘Best Trade Finance Provider’ and ‘Best Treasury & Cash Management Bank’ awards for the second consecutive year - a first in Belgium - in recognition of the know-how of the teams within its Transaction Banking division, which was set up two years ago, and the relevance of its offer, which combines innovative solutions and local service. 

State-of-the-art digital tools and personalised service 

With staff of around one hundred, the Belfius Cash Management teams directly support the daily management of more than 17,000 clients (large companies and organisations in the public and social sectors). Their approach combines state-of-the-art and constantly evolving digital tools with human, local and personalised support. Their objective is to help treasurers optimally to manage all their financial flows and operations, both in Belgium and abroad.   

Composed of some sixty experts serving more than 1,500 corporate clients and sixty groups of trade customers, the Belfius Trade Finance team is supported by a network of international banks covering more than 120 countries. At the end of October, Belfius launched its new digital platform BE-Trade, a tool designed to facilitate the end-to-end processing of international trade operations and bank guarantees (domestic and international) for its clients. 

Martine Klutz, Head of Transaction Banking at Belfius Bank

Despite the many challenges linked to the health crisis (teleworking, the blocking of documents and goods due to lockdowns abroad, and so on), once again this year our teams stood permanently at the side of companies and organisations of all sizes to offer them the best service and the solutions best adapted to their needs, thus supporting their activities and their development both in Belgium and beyond our borders.

Best Bond Finance House of the Year 2021

On 18 January 2022, Belfius was presented with the award of ‘Best Bond Finance House of the Year 2021’ by Euronext Brussels. This prestigious and coveted award underlines the strategic role played by the bank in advising and offering its customers alternative financing arrangements on capital markets across their whole capital structure. This is the 6th time that Belfius Bank has received this award since 2013, making it the undisputed leader for Debt Capital Markets transactions for Belgian issuers.

During 2021, Belfius Bank was involved in 12 of the 16 benchmark mandates (issues of a minimum of EUR 500 million) for Belgian issuers in the sector for corporates and public issuers. Belfius also acted a Joint Bookrunner for 5 benchmark transactions on behalf of issuers in the financial sector. Belfius Bank also helped guide 3 retail bond transactions. In total, Belfius carried out 60 DCM transactions for 25 different issuers.

In addition to these bond issues, Belfius Bank is also investing heavily in the structuring of green and sustainable financing frameworks that can be applied to both bond financing and the traditional banking market. Issuers are also able to turn to Belfius for detailed advice on obtaining an external rating, now or in the years ahead.

Dirk Gyselinck, member of the Belfius Bank management board 

Belfius is delighted to receive for the 6th time the Euronext Bond House of the year award, through which Belfius’ expertise in facilitating the access to the capital markets is again recognized. After being named Best Equity House in 2020, this award clearly demonstrates Belfius’ added value in advising its client issuers across the capital structure.

You would like to know more? 

View the Global Finance press releases: 

View our press release on the Euronext award: