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Resilient net income and robust support to Belgian society

More than ever in 2020, an exceptional year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, Belfius has remained at the side of its customers, unwavering. Its mission? As a “meaningful” and “inspiring” bank-insurer, to contribute to building a sustainable future for Belgium, its 11 million inhabitants, more than one million SMEs and companies, and thousands of public and social institutions.

The essential ingredients to make it happen? The sustainable commercial dynamics of a bank-insurer committed to society which, in a period of social distancing, has remained closer than ever to its individual, institutional and professional customers. Its major role in granting loans to support the Belgian economy and in deferring payments for customers in difficulty. Its support to entrepreneurs and companies to help them make the transition to a more sustainable, forward-looking economy and society. Its focus on innovative investment solutions based on societal themes which contribute to a better future. Sustained investment in Belgian talent and digital bank-insurance services which are innovative, user-friendly and efficient.

The fundamentals? A constant focus on customer satisfaction and trust, highly committed staff members, a diversified and sustainable business model as well as a banker as an insurer, and strict balance sheet and risk management which generates an unfailing financial solidity, by virtue of which Belfius can continue to play its role as a supportive force in the Belgian economy and to implement its ambitious growth strategy.

The result? A net income of EUR 532 million, which, despite the increased credit provisions on the basis of a prudent risk policy, once again demonstrates the resilience of this business model and enables Belfius to continue to assume its commitment towards society.