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Results full year 2018

The strengths of Belfius? Diversifying and investing in a future we built together.


Belfius has opted deliberately for a strategy in which consistent progress in results takes precedence over short-term profit.

This strategy goes hand in hand with more intensive investments for the benefit of customers and Belfius staff, of digital innovation and of Belgian society as a whole.

Over the year, Belfius strengthened its market position in all customer segments, while continuing its growth as a bank and insurance company.

A record 17.5 billion euros in long-term loans was granted to the Belgian economy.

Organic growth in savings and investments has never been so high.

And despite a difficult financial environment, Belfius was successful in combining investments in the future with a diversification in its activities and revenue, while maintaining a solid level of solvency and net profit up by 7% to 649 million euros, 363 million euros of which will be distributed in the form of dividends.

Read the full press release here




